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That will lead to a crisis.


It suggests that there is a determination to enforce the law.

防止中国当局夺取香港司法部门对香港案件的司法管豁权prohibits the Chinese authorities from usurping the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong judiciary in Hong Kong cases

并不容许某事there is no provision for something


A two-year term was consistent with the Basic Law's legislative intent.

具域外法律效力has an extra-territorial effect

制定一条法律enact a law

和82名法律界代表会面met 82 legal-sector representatives

奉公守法的市民law-abiding citizens

放弃香港的普通法原则surrender Hong Kong's common law principles


But when the legislation came into force in 2003, it was clear that enforcement would be a big problem.


法治精神the spirit of the rule of law

法律改革委员会Law Reform Commission

法律制度legal system

法律专家legal experts

法律专业特权legal professional privilege

法律费用legal fees


The court is bowing to pressure from Beijing.


阻吓作用the deterrent effect


青少年罪犯评估项目小组Young Offender Assessment Panel

保证法律面前人人平等ensuring that all are equal before the law

律师行law firm

按条件收费conditional fees


Drivers caught using mobile phones can be fined up to $2000 under a law to take effort in April.

是次判决立了坏先例the conviction would set a bad precedent


The case cuts to the heart of current debate on freedom and market economies.

美国司法部US Justice Department

美国司法部长雷诺Attorney General Janet Reno

美国联邦法官US federal judge


Prospects for judicial independence under Hu do not look good.


But I cannot see how the new chief executive could serve a two-year term without a fresh interpretation of the Basic Law.


If Beijing opts for an interpretation, it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover.

要求法院判决前向人大寻求释法argues that the case needs to go to the National People's Congress before the Hong Kong court rules on the matter

迫使他们要在法庭上自辩forced them to represent themselves in court

首席法官李国能Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang

香港人权法案条例the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance


The government does not legally recognise same-sex marriages.

书面援权证明written authority


The Government will ask the Court of Final Appeal to clarify its controversial ruling on the right of abode in a move aimed at ending the constitutional crisis.

破坏一国两制及司法独立had damaged judicial independence and the SAR's autonomy

破坏司法独立和法治destroying judicial independence and the rule of law

侧重物业转让工作are preoccupied with conveyancing

偷录被告与律师的对话taped a conversation between one of the accused and his solicitor

国家统一法national unification law

国际刑事法庭The International Criminal Court

国籍法Nationality Law

基本法的立法原意the legislative intent of the Basic Law


The legislative intent of the Basic Law was clear and there was no need for an interpretation.

堵塞税务的法律漏洞closing tax-law loopholes


There are still some unforeseen operational difficulties.

采取法律行动take legal action


More Hong Kong people now accept that interpretations from Beijing will be delivered from time to time.

习惯法customary law


It would be another bad case of politics being put above the law.


This will be the third interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


It put the integrity of the Judiciary in jeopardy.


The maximum penalty is a $10000 fine and 12 months' imprisonment.

单一事件不足入罪a single incident will not suffice

尊重合约精神respect the spirit of the contract

尊重香港的法治respected Hong Kong's rule of law

寻求关于某事的法律意见seeking legal advice on something

就一名三岁男童的居港权问题要求最高法院向人大寻求释法asked the top court to seek Beijing's guidance on a right-of-abode battle involving a three-year-old boy

就九九年一月终审法院一案寻求人大常委会释法obtained a Standing Committee reinterpretation of a January 1999 Court of Final Appeal ruling

就是次案件向人大常委会寻求释法refer the case to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


People were deterred from taking legal action because it was expensive and lengthy.

无视法纪/无法无天flouted the law

给予某人自主权give somebody discretionary powers

损害法治damaging the rule of law

损害香港的国际声誉damage Hong Kong's international reputation

该罪最高刑罚为死刑an offence that carries a maximum penalty of death


Offenders could be fined up to $50,000 or get four years' jail.



预期于2006年年中生效expected to come into force by mid-2006

对内地法治感到不满are dissatisfied with the mainland's rule of law

对正当的司法程序毫不尊重pays no respect to the proper judicial processes

对审计处报告提出司法复核had launched a legal challenge to the director of audit's findings

维持香港法治defending the rule of law in Hong Kong

尽快扫除领汇上市的法律障碍clear the legal obstacles to the listing as quickly as possible

宪法危机constitutional crisis

衡量破坏程度时完全错误a wholly erroneous estimate of the damage

遵守法治adhering to the rule of law

检讨法律to review the law

获得法律援助who had been granted legal aid

签同意书sign consent form




一名政府法律专家a government forensic expert

大律师barrister; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly from an office, but may also appear in the less formal and important courts.



污点证人accomplice-turned-prosecution witness

坐满了的公众旁听席the packed public gallery

事务律师solicitor; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly from an office, but may also appear in the less formal and important courts.



法庭文件court documents

律师lawyer/attorney(AmE); In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly from an office, but may also appear in the less formal and important courts.

突显他们的个性show their individuality


控方the prosecution

被告defendant/the accused



陪审团席jury box

无代表律师的当事人/自辩的当事人unrepresented litigants



总法律顾问general counsel

联邦检察官federal prosecutors

证人栏witness box/witness stand(AmE)

辩方the defence

辩方大律师defence counsel; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly from an office, but may also appear in the less formal and important courts.

(刑事)起诉indict (vt); To indict is to officially charge someone with a criminal offence./was indicted for murder/was indicted on a number of corruption charges

入禀高院索偿filed a writ in the High Court seeking damages

入禀高等法院向某人告状filed a High Court writ against somebody


Eight bodyguards linked hands to form a human wall between Wang and photographers and reporters so she could enter the building.

下令被告无罪,无须审判threw out the case

不排除会接纳庭外和解would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement


They have to stay in Hong Kong pending trial.


令状、传票writ (n); A writ is a document from a court that orders someone to do or not to do something./issue a writ to prevent sb from doing sth/issue a writ against the newspaper/serve sb with a writ (向某人发出传票)/ has been served with a writ for breach of contract

另再被控以一项非法禁锢罪名were further charged with one count of false imprisonment

民事案civil case

刑事案criminal case

向航空公司作出赔偿pay restitution to the airline

因行贿而受审stand trial on corruption charges

在七月首度上庭first made court appearances in July

有足够证据采取民事诉讼起诉非法下载人士had enough evidence to take civil action against illegal downloaders


How much more of the next 10 years do I have left in my life?


We are considering legal action.


There was insufficient evidence to prosecute a group of seven mainlanders.

依然为因民主运动而被起诉的人辩护continues to defend those facing imprisonment for their pro-democracy activities

承担法律费用shoulder the legal fees

拒绝估计胜诉机会refuse to predict the chances of winning the case

拒绝承担法律责任denied legal responsibility

拒绝接受和解方案/拒绝接受赔偿方案reject the settlement proposal

促使微软寻求庭外和解prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement

某人仍可能被循其它途径检控somebody could still be sued through other avenues

某人将在法院提堂somebody will appear in court

要求赔偿seek redress

要求赔偿自九月起损失的收入和找工不果的开支claimed damages for loss of earning since September and expenses on unsuccessful job searches

要求警务署和入境处处长就疏忽一事赔偿claiming damages from the police and immigration chiefs for negligence

候审is awaiting trial

庭外和解out-of-court settlement (n); reach an out-of-court settlement

破天荒入禀法院控告国泰航空公司性别歧视launched a landmark sex discrimination lawsuit against Cathay Pacific

索偿至少一千一百万元意外赔偿seeking more than $11 million compensation for the accident


proceed against somebody; To proceed against sb is to to begin a legal case against sb./There was not enough evidence to proceed against him.

追讨数以百万元计的侵权损失claw back millions of dollars lost in copyright infringements


将无法获得公平的审讯would not be able to have a fair trial

将会在大陆受审are expected to face trial on the mainland

强调这场大火不是(通用)的错said it was not at fault for the blaze

控告(食品)供货商prosecute the suppliers

控告麦当奴taking McDonald's to court

被某人/某单位控以3项控罪charged by somebody with 3 offences

被落案起诉一项非法禁锢罪,今日在荃湾法院提堂faces one count of false imprisonment and will appear in Tsuen Wan Court today

设定最高赔偿金额impose a ceiling on the maximum compensation amount

透过内地法庭向他索偿seek compensation from him through the mainland court

透过民事诉讼,要求赔偿一百万元,补偿他在西区警署所受的虐待launched a civil action seeking $1 million compensation for his ordeal at a Western District police station



Fifteen writs were filed in the High Court.

诉讼proceeding (n); A proceeding is the process of using a court of law to settle a dispute or to deal with a complaint./Legal proceedings can be enormously expensive.


lawsuit (n); A lawsuit is a charge, claim, or complaint against someone that is made in a court of law by a private person or company, not by the police or state./filed a lawsuit against sb over sth

诉讼费legal fee

逮捕状warrant/arrest warrant (n); A warrant is a written permission from a court of law allowing the police to take a particular action./issue a warrant for the arrest of sb/issue a warrant for sb's arrest/issue an arrest warrant for sb

搜查令warrant/search warrant (n); A warrant is a written permission from a court of law allowing the police to take a particular action./obtain a warrant from a judge/had a warrant to search the house

禁制令injunction (n); An injunction is an order given by a court which forbids someone to do something./get/obtain/take out an injunction preventing sb from doing sth/apply for an injunction to stop sb from doing sth/seek an injunction against the strike

颁令该公司股东及董事不得离开香港applied for a court order to prevent company bosses from leaving Hong Kong

赔偿原告心灵和尊严受创compensate Mr Chan's injured feelings and loss of dignity


The award includes US$107 million in conpensatory damages and US$4.8 billion in punitive damages.

获提供两个赔偿方案are offered two options for settlement


banded together to sue the Pacific Century CyberWorks (PCCW) chairman

临时禁制令an interim injunction


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